Public policy
Economics provides a rich toolkit to muster evidence and make rational public policy choices.
Evidence-based policy demands the use of appropriate statistical and econometric techniques, and the careful design of surveys and policy trials.
Economic analysis should be central to policymaking. Cost-benefit analysis is indispensable and should be undertaken as best practice.
We assist public policy-makers in understanding the effects of their choices on stakeholders. We help stakeholders in making coherent and forceful policy arguments.
Who wins and loses under different policies? Can we quantify their respective costs and benefits? How do we strike optimal trade-offs? What do we do about risk and uncertainty? What weight do we give future generations? Even where data is limited, economics can provides a framework for answering these questions and establishing the likely order of magnitude of costs and benefits.
DotEcon has worked extensively with both public bodies and private companies facing policy questions in a range of sectors, including telecommunications, financial services, transportation and energy markets.
We offer expertise in a full range of techniques to support our clients, including:
- Cost-benefit analysis, using both data-driven and theory-driven approaches;
- Regulatory impact assessments;
- Customised market research, including conjoint and hedonic methods; and
Benchmarking of international practice.